The Forgotten Spirits of Crrara
The Forgotten Spirit
Of Carrara
[A dream vision]
Writings of Dennis L. Siluk
Compiled and written, 2002
Note: This dream vision was captured in l989. But put away for safekeeping, and revised in 2002, for publication.
Interviewed by: Rosa T. Peñaloza, Lima Peru [9/9/1999]:
“I felt like a parasite living in someone’s brains within a 400-foot wall of marble. I did not know when the Watchers [the ancient angelic renegades from 10,500 BC] and the Rephaim Giants [the sons of the Watchers], as we are know now, my nuclear family, of sorts, would be dead, and I would be safe to come out into the world, again.
It was dark and dry within that solid marble, like a white discolored glacier. I thought Azaz’el; one of the leaders of the Watchers would find me again. Have me buried alive, like the Almighty did to the Watchers, and…in the pit. The one Enoch talked about. That the Almighty was going to put all the angelic renegades for their co habituating with the female humans and giving birth to creatures like us in, that abyss. We were gods back then. Now, I’m not sure. Someone said they call us demons.
It was in l987, I didn’t realize over 10,000-years had come and gone. I was still in the marble in this quarry, now called Carrara, in a country called Italy [Tuscany]; I started to hear a funny language. As the voice came closer, it said ‘cut here’, for some reason I understood that. And so they cut closer and closer. The cutters could see my image; they made a report of it anyways. And I new I was forever captured again. But these were people, not the Watchers, or Giants. I was so happy about that. I think I scared them, I really did not want to, but I do remember how they use to act back, back in my day. And so like the wind, I came out of the marble and up through some light above their heads, and I was gone, leaving them stunned.
My family was an infectious disease to the living world of mortals back in my day.
I guess I hid pretty well, since they could not find me. Or at least gave up the hunt. They used to say we were in a world of insects [referring to the humans], the people of my time the human victim [except these insects could not bit, or even shed skin like a snake]. They were really harmless to us. And that is what made us so powerful.
It was really unfair. I did not like it.
These were ordinary people--alarmed by the Watchers, and us giants--gods to them back then; they soon forgot after the Watchers were put into the pit, the one who put them their. And we giants were left to roam the world. We became even bigger gods than before. After a hundred years, and I heard a flood was supposed to come, a man named Noah was proclaiming it.
My brothers caused mental and physical, internal and external infectious diseases at every level of humanity’s existence. The insects as they called them, cried unto the Almighty, and he heard them. That is when he sent a few Archangels to bind and cast the watchers into the sand, and to the pit of the abyss. It was a scary moment, a crazy time.
To us we were in a microscopic world. To them it was a home; to the watchers it was a home away from home [away from heaven]. To me it was insane and so I ran and ran and ran. I ended up at a place in North America called Mystery Hill. But I couldn’t hide there very long they found me. I built kind of a home with the huge rocks in that area. It was just an area of land back in the woods, in a place called New Hampshire now. Azaz’el and his angelic tribe found me one morning. I was carving on a rock I liked doing that. I carved a bull of sorts. I liked eating them also. They were all powerful you know, in the sense, they were all supernatural, not like my kind, only half so.
As I was saying, they found me, bound me, and tortured me a second time; this was not my first runaway. I had tried it a half dozen times. This time they would eat humans in front of me [knowing I did not like that], throwing their heads and body parts at me. They would have sex with the females in front of me also, ripping them apart like a snake opening its mouth trying to swallow an egg, and in the process… you know what I mean; hurting them as if they were toys, and objects, used for simple interest, like fish in a bowl, to be de-boned and dissected for the interest of play. It did not take much. They knew that kind of behavior made me sick.
Then in l989, after being free for 2-years roaming the world, and seeing how it has changed, I met Dennis. Well kind of met him. I entered into Dennis’ dream -- and created a vision; --and having said that, he will have to tell you the rest. Sorry but this is the end of my interview. I need to deal with finding a home until the end. You know what I am talking about [the part I said not to put into this interview; return of the Archangel Lu…Satan, the Little Horn.”
Said Rosa as the spirit was about to leave:
“Tell me Sir. That is, tell me a secret. Something nobody would know. You know something only you would know.”
Said the Spirit with a smile and a little disbelief:
“Something no one knows, haw. Even if I told you and the rest of the world, you would not believe it anyways. Your husband wrote three books concerning us, and still no one really believes.”
Said Rosa with an unwavering voice:
“This is true, but my husband, Dennis would believe. And you have already gone to him. Is it not good enough to let him know, through me? He would think of it as a great piece of information.”
“Aw but you got me there. If I remember right, women-people had good psychology from birth to death. Ok, I will tell you a secret, for your husband.
There is a land you call England. At one time, like the rest of the world, most of the continents were together. England was much closer to Asia and Africa back then. And in an area you call Chalice Hill you can see a building now called Tor, something like that, I think the building is some kind of old monastery, and the hill is Tor. Back in my time, we built the terraces to look like a sphinx, that is the hill, Tor.
During the construction period, the Watchers wanted stones, round stones, like eggs. We called them Egg stones. In this area you call Glastonbury; these boulders were thrown about, in an area now called Tor Burr.
I hear people saying the shape came from water percolating through the sand onto the stones, shaping them. How silly people can be. That is like saying the Empire State Building was made by the Sun baking away a mountain.
Anyways, they were what you call pagan stones I suppose. The Watchers wanted them for two reasons. Time was short because one of the old prophets were informing them, the Almighty was going to punish them; and yes, the peoples cries were heard all the way from earth to the underworld to the heavens. The Watchers were very cruel to the inhabitants of earth, check your husband book out, he describes it pretty well. And so they wanted us to leave a reminder behind that they were here. That is to the people of earth funny that they wanted that, after treating them so bad. I guess maybe they were kind of jealous, and not so smart.
The second is, related to the serpent. You can go to your Serpent Mound in your state called Ohio; there you will see a Serpent with an egg in its mouth. The Watchers believed they were the main element of creation. There is a lot of symbolism in this, and I do not have time to explain, but you see it, and it is real. Plus, one of the Watchers looked like a serpent in many ways. He became of god of sorts and started a cult movement of such an order.
One of the huge boulders, or Eggs we were shaping, had to be stopped. The reason the one big one was stopped, below the tower of that monastery, was because the Almighty had the Archangels come down and put them in the pit before its completion, our fathers that are. There was no need for us to finish the job.
”Very interesting,” commented Rosa. “Dennis will really enjoy hearing that. I am sorry if I have kept you longer than you had intended, and so I say good luck, and good by.”
At that moment, the Spirit just stood still, starring into the sky, as Rosa sat still watching. She never asked the Spirits name, and he never gave it freely. And when Rosa told Dennis [later on that day] about the interview, she never asked him his name either, and Dennis never gave it. Maybe because the Spirit’s whole existence was running and hiding, or simply a secret of sorts. It was his job to proclaim it, not ours, Rosa thought. The cutters of the marble uncovered him, Dennis met him, and Rosa interviewed him, that was good enough, she told herself: all in time.
Said the giant spirit to Rosa,
“I told Dennis about the Ancient Oaks of Avalon.”
“Very interesting, he never mentioned it to me. What are the oaks?” Rosa Replied.
“Well, Rosa, when I visited Dennis years back, he had a picture of the Giant Yew trees of England. His was an etching of sorts, dated 1825 from the trees at Fontingol, the trees I’m talking about were at the foot of Chalice Well, over in Glastonbury, Avalon.”
“Not sure what your point in,” answered Rosa.
“Just old memories I suppose. But if you’re interested I can make a long story short.”
“Go for it, I’d like to here,” answered Rosa again.
“Well, where do I start? It really doesn’t have anything to do with the Yew trees. Rather with two Oak trees of Avalon. They are called Gog and Magog. Funny names to you maybe, but they were two half-spirits like me. I suppose one could say friends.
You see you can draw a line [azimuth] between them, that is, from Tor to the Oaks. Gog and Magog planted the trees with the Druids, for that matter or me long before the Celts existed. It was kind of a game we were playing with the Watchers. Our fathers, you know, the ones your husband wrote about in that book called: “Angelic Renegades and Rephaim Giants.”
Commented Rosa, “Yes, I helped him edit the book, 298-erros, and 8-days to finish that project.
“Anyways Mrs. Rosa, as I was saying, we kind of had a game going. Everyone thought of building monuments back then. And of curse that is where Stonehenge comes into play. They built that for several reasons, but the one I was interested in for the game part was telling the seasons, in a simple way, we didn‘t have the means to conduct such projects as the Watchers; and I wanted to kind of show them up. A seasonal clock was our quest only. And the Watchers as you call them, wanted to do things in a grand way, as always.
Well Gog and Magog, got together with me and we sat down. Found two seeds, planted them in with a little smarts from Semyaz, --who like to stay at Mt. Harmon, on the summit for some reason, but came to Avalon occasionally-- the leader of the Watchers. He didn’t mind trying to show up Azaz’el anyways, -- a little. He gave us some pointers and ideas on how to do it.
Azaz’el was the one Enoch approached. Enoch might have only been flesh and blood, but he was one holy man, and walked with the Almighty. Everyone was scared of him. That was bout 4000 BC, according to your records; times were older then you think. Anyways, we as I was saying, got some measurements from the Semyaz. Then we got Asder’el to teach us the course of the moon and such things. And Baraqiyal taught us astrology, and Kokarer’el, had knowledge of the signs, and Tam’el taught us about the stars. And according to all our calculations, we planted the trees.
It wasn’t long after this took place that we were expelled from among the people, and we giants started to fight with ourselves. That is when I ran and hid. But let me get back to what I was trying to say about them trees.
We three planted those trees. The purpose was to show up the Watchers with the simple planting, and creating a summer and Winter Solstice clock. And we kind of did. It wasn’t great, or completely accurate, but pretty accurate. On the first day of summer the sun will shine right over the trees, as it does in the winter. The Watchers made fun of us later on about having to help us, but we had the idea first.
I guess I haven’t talked so much in thousands of years. If you continue north of the trees the sun will set over trees and Tor, showing the Winter Solstice. They most likely have been re planted by
Cults and old followers, because they are still there; we were know in such places as Malta as Ggantia’s, and had temples there, also, but that is another story. Mt. Harmon, was another holy place for us, and the Golan Heights, were the Rephaim Giants lived, and again, called that their holy area, as did the Watchers, and over here, in England we were the Egg stone giants, among other things. I left out Mystery Hill only because it was my place, no one else’s.
We did more then what you think. Who do you think built the tunnels under Tor? Where the people unto the watchers and us made sacrifices: --and to what gods were they made? Again us. Yes, it was the Watchers we did the work though. Like Atlantis, we build mead around it. It became symbols, that is, separating the physical world from the Spirit one, or spirit one, since the Watchers were all spirit in essence. They really believed they were sanctified, above being special, god like. They forgot who made them. But such angels like Suru’el, Rapha’el, Ragu’el, Micha’el, Sahaga ’el, Gabri’el and Rafael and Ura’el, showed them who was who, and buried them in the sands of time. Chained them to the pits of the abyss. I guess when you pretend long enough, you become a permanent part of the play, and believe it yourself, like them. I new somewhere along the line, the Almighty would get involved. He always does. To enter in this area, the Avalon area that is, even us, we had rules to go by as if it was a Church or Holy of Holies place. I see time has changed most of that.
Well Rosa, I’ve got to go. Even we hybrid spirits get tired. I got to check out some things.”
“Will I see you again,” responded Rosa. “What for?” …Said Rosa with a gesture of Farwell, “Good luck then, on your journey quest, that is,” and the spirit was gone.
The Report [all names to be crossed out]: 1/10/l987 --Mid-Morning
[From the two workmen on the site - Quarry at Carrara, Italy]
“As usual we were working at the site, that is, in the underground quarry area, were the big window whole is. It gives light during the day hours it is so huge, like a monster window. I like working in that area because it is cooler, and the wind seems to…oh, well, anyways, it is above our heads gives us light during the day.
As we were cutting the marble I could see a configuration. It looked like a man. But we had been cutting in this area months, so I though maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me so I just continued to cut, not saying anything at first. Prior to this day, it looked like a dot, or a blemished marble. But as we kept cutting month after month, it became bigger. More pronounced, --like the figure was being cut into, and it had to go back into the marble to remain whole. I know this sounds silly, but it got bigger.
About a week ago, the head, face, chin, all the way down to the upper part of a man’s shoulders appeared. I stood on the piece of marble. It was about 13-feet high. The face had a receding for-head. His hair was standing up, or so it seemed, as if it was frozen instantly as the wind blew it wild. His temple area was broad.
His nose was half covered along with his eyes with darkness--like a blindfold or mask. This darkness went down to his cheek, around the upper part of his chin and covered that area of his hair, which went to the length of his shoulders, and somewhat braided at the end.
His mouth was that of a dead man in a coffin. Lip area was dark; and the upper part where a mustache would go, was like a Neanderthal’s long. He looked clean-shaven though. He was hidden in the marble, as if in pain, suffocating.
I would think the rest of his body would account for ¾’s, making him 40-feet tall or so.
As we cut more, like a dust of sifting wind, a gray mass came out of the marble and
In a long dynamic form, and like a tornado this figure tried to put itself together, kind of like focusing a camera, or a TV trying to get a picture tuned in, and then it was gone; right through the opening above our heads. I was kind of in disbelief, and shock. It took my partner and me a few minutes to get us together.
End of report/to be filed
Epitaph [his last whereabouts was thought to be on 9/1/01; this is what he left for his epitaph discovered in the Golan Heights, in the general region of the rings known as on a stones, on one weighing over 30-tons, and measuring 4.5 meters in height, it was part of a dolmen, in the Circle or Gilgal Refaim]. It read:
“I walk now this earth, hoping not to be judged according to my birth pains. The Angelic Renegades or the Giants of old, their sons; the demon is out of me, and I am not a god, only a half-bread by no sin of my own. If I had my way I would never have been born; it would have been better. But now you know, and so I roam. Put me back into the marble, but not into the Pit of the Abyss. The one thing I know and I tell you, the secret. Man will forget the war he is in, even after my comrades infect you more. Destroy you. Possess you. You will forget the day the enemy crushed you. Made you cry. And say, all is well. That is when they will come again. They told me so. And that is why I must hide again. They will come after me also, tell everyone“
Word Count: 3328
Of Carrara
[A dream vision]
Writings of Dennis L. Siluk
Compiled and written, 2002
Note: This dream vision was captured in l989. But put away for safekeeping, and revised in 2002, for publication.
Interviewed by: Rosa T. Peñaloza, Lima Peru [9/9/1999]:
“I felt like a parasite living in someone’s brains within a 400-foot wall of marble. I did not know when the Watchers [the ancient angelic renegades from 10,500 BC] and the Rephaim Giants [the sons of the Watchers], as we are know now, my nuclear family, of sorts, would be dead, and I would be safe to come out into the world, again.
It was dark and dry within that solid marble, like a white discolored glacier. I thought Azaz’el; one of the leaders of the Watchers would find me again. Have me buried alive, like the Almighty did to the Watchers, and…in the pit. The one Enoch talked about. That the Almighty was going to put all the angelic renegades for their co habituating with the female humans and giving birth to creatures like us in, that abyss. We were gods back then. Now, I’m not sure. Someone said they call us demons.
It was in l987, I didn’t realize over 10,000-years had come and gone. I was still in the marble in this quarry, now called Carrara, in a country called Italy [Tuscany]; I started to hear a funny language. As the voice came closer, it said ‘cut here’, for some reason I understood that. And so they cut closer and closer. The cutters could see my image; they made a report of it anyways. And I new I was forever captured again. But these were people, not the Watchers, or Giants. I was so happy about that. I think I scared them, I really did not want to, but I do remember how they use to act back, back in my day. And so like the wind, I came out of the marble and up through some light above their heads, and I was gone, leaving them stunned.
My family was an infectious disease to the living world of mortals back in my day.
I guess I hid pretty well, since they could not find me. Or at least gave up the hunt. They used to say we were in a world of insects [referring to the humans], the people of my time the human victim [except these insects could not bit, or even shed skin like a snake]. They were really harmless to us. And that is what made us so powerful.
It was really unfair. I did not like it.
These were ordinary people--alarmed by the Watchers, and us giants--gods to them back then; they soon forgot after the Watchers were put into the pit, the one who put them their. And we giants were left to roam the world. We became even bigger gods than before. After a hundred years, and I heard a flood was supposed to come, a man named Noah was proclaiming it.
My brothers caused mental and physical, internal and external infectious diseases at every level of humanity’s existence. The insects as they called them, cried unto the Almighty, and he heard them. That is when he sent a few Archangels to bind and cast the watchers into the sand, and to the pit of the abyss. It was a scary moment, a crazy time.
To us we were in a microscopic world. To them it was a home; to the watchers it was a home away from home [away from heaven]. To me it was insane and so I ran and ran and ran. I ended up at a place in North America called Mystery Hill. But I couldn’t hide there very long they found me. I built kind of a home with the huge rocks in that area. It was just an area of land back in the woods, in a place called New Hampshire now. Azaz’el and his angelic tribe found me one morning. I was carving on a rock I liked doing that. I carved a bull of sorts. I liked eating them also. They were all powerful you know, in the sense, they were all supernatural, not like my kind, only half so.
As I was saying, they found me, bound me, and tortured me a second time; this was not my first runaway. I had tried it a half dozen times. This time they would eat humans in front of me [knowing I did not like that], throwing their heads and body parts at me. They would have sex with the females in front of me also, ripping them apart like a snake opening its mouth trying to swallow an egg, and in the process… you know what I mean; hurting them as if they were toys, and objects, used for simple interest, like fish in a bowl, to be de-boned and dissected for the interest of play. It did not take much. They knew that kind of behavior made me sick.
Then in l989, after being free for 2-years roaming the world, and seeing how it has changed, I met Dennis. Well kind of met him. I entered into Dennis’ dream -- and created a vision; --and having said that, he will have to tell you the rest. Sorry but this is the end of my interview. I need to deal with finding a home until the end. You know what I am talking about [the part I said not to put into this interview; return of the Archangel Lu…Satan, the Little Horn.”
Said Rosa as the spirit was about to leave:
“Tell me Sir. That is, tell me a secret. Something nobody would know. You know something only you would know.”
Said the Spirit with a smile and a little disbelief:
“Something no one knows, haw. Even if I told you and the rest of the world, you would not believe it anyways. Your husband wrote three books concerning us, and still no one really believes.”
Said Rosa with an unwavering voice:
“This is true, but my husband, Dennis would believe. And you have already gone to him. Is it not good enough to let him know, through me? He would think of it as a great piece of information.”
“Aw but you got me there. If I remember right, women-people had good psychology from birth to death. Ok, I will tell you a secret, for your husband.
There is a land you call England. At one time, like the rest of the world, most of the continents were together. England was much closer to Asia and Africa back then. And in an area you call Chalice Hill you can see a building now called Tor, something like that, I think the building is some kind of old monastery, and the hill is Tor. Back in my time, we built the terraces to look like a sphinx, that is the hill, Tor.
During the construction period, the Watchers wanted stones, round stones, like eggs. We called them Egg stones. In this area you call Glastonbury; these boulders were thrown about, in an area now called Tor Burr.
I hear people saying the shape came from water percolating through the sand onto the stones, shaping them. How silly people can be. That is like saying the Empire State Building was made by the Sun baking away a mountain.
Anyways, they were what you call pagan stones I suppose. The Watchers wanted them for two reasons. Time was short because one of the old prophets were informing them, the Almighty was going to punish them; and yes, the peoples cries were heard all the way from earth to the underworld to the heavens. The Watchers were very cruel to the inhabitants of earth, check your husband book out, he describes it pretty well. And so they wanted us to leave a reminder behind that they were here. That is to the people of earth funny that they wanted that, after treating them so bad. I guess maybe they were kind of jealous, and not so smart.
The second is, related to the serpent. You can go to your Serpent Mound in your state called Ohio; there you will see a Serpent with an egg in its mouth. The Watchers believed they were the main element of creation. There is a lot of symbolism in this, and I do not have time to explain, but you see it, and it is real. Plus, one of the Watchers looked like a serpent in many ways. He became of god of sorts and started a cult movement of such an order.
One of the huge boulders, or Eggs we were shaping, had to be stopped. The reason the one big one was stopped, below the tower of that monastery, was because the Almighty had the Archangels come down and put them in the pit before its completion, our fathers that are. There was no need for us to finish the job.
”Very interesting,” commented Rosa. “Dennis will really enjoy hearing that. I am sorry if I have kept you longer than you had intended, and so I say good luck, and good by.”
At that moment, the Spirit just stood still, starring into the sky, as Rosa sat still watching. She never asked the Spirits name, and he never gave it freely. And when Rosa told Dennis [later on that day] about the interview, she never asked him his name either, and Dennis never gave it. Maybe because the Spirit’s whole existence was running and hiding, or simply a secret of sorts. It was his job to proclaim it, not ours, Rosa thought. The cutters of the marble uncovered him, Dennis met him, and Rosa interviewed him, that was good enough, she told herself: all in time.
Said the giant spirit to Rosa,
“I told Dennis about the Ancient Oaks of Avalon.”
“Very interesting, he never mentioned it to me. What are the oaks?” Rosa Replied.
“Well, Rosa, when I visited Dennis years back, he had a picture of the Giant Yew trees of England. His was an etching of sorts, dated 1825 from the trees at Fontingol, the trees I’m talking about were at the foot of Chalice Well, over in Glastonbury, Avalon.”
“Not sure what your point in,” answered Rosa.
“Just old memories I suppose. But if you’re interested I can make a long story short.”
“Go for it, I’d like to here,” answered Rosa again.
“Well, where do I start? It really doesn’t have anything to do with the Yew trees. Rather with two Oak trees of Avalon. They are called Gog and Magog. Funny names to you maybe, but they were two half-spirits like me. I suppose one could say friends.
You see you can draw a line [azimuth] between them, that is, from Tor to the Oaks. Gog and Magog planted the trees with the Druids, for that matter or me long before the Celts existed. It was kind of a game we were playing with the Watchers. Our fathers, you know, the ones your husband wrote about in that book called: “Angelic Renegades and Rephaim Giants.”
Commented Rosa, “Yes, I helped him edit the book, 298-erros, and 8-days to finish that project.
“Anyways Mrs. Rosa, as I was saying, we kind of had a game going. Everyone thought of building monuments back then. And of curse that is where Stonehenge comes into play. They built that for several reasons, but the one I was interested in for the game part was telling the seasons, in a simple way, we didn‘t have the means to conduct such projects as the Watchers; and I wanted to kind of show them up. A seasonal clock was our quest only. And the Watchers as you call them, wanted to do things in a grand way, as always.
Well Gog and Magog, got together with me and we sat down. Found two seeds, planted them in with a little smarts from Semyaz, --who like to stay at Mt. Harmon, on the summit for some reason, but came to Avalon occasionally-- the leader of the Watchers. He didn’t mind trying to show up Azaz’el anyways, -- a little. He gave us some pointers and ideas on how to do it.
Azaz’el was the one Enoch approached. Enoch might have only been flesh and blood, but he was one holy man, and walked with the Almighty. Everyone was scared of him. That was bout 4000 BC, according to your records; times were older then you think. Anyways, we as I was saying, got some measurements from the Semyaz. Then we got Asder’el to teach us the course of the moon and such things. And Baraqiyal taught us astrology, and Kokarer’el, had knowledge of the signs, and Tam’el taught us about the stars. And according to all our calculations, we planted the trees.
It wasn’t long after this took place that we were expelled from among the people, and we giants started to fight with ourselves. That is when I ran and hid. But let me get back to what I was trying to say about them trees.
We three planted those trees. The purpose was to show up the Watchers with the simple planting, and creating a summer and Winter Solstice clock. And we kind of did. It wasn’t great, or completely accurate, but pretty accurate. On the first day of summer the sun will shine right over the trees, as it does in the winter. The Watchers made fun of us later on about having to help us, but we had the idea first.
I guess I haven’t talked so much in thousands of years. If you continue north of the trees the sun will set over trees and Tor, showing the Winter Solstice. They most likely have been re planted by
Cults and old followers, because they are still there; we were know in such places as Malta as Ggantia’s, and had temples there, also, but that is another story. Mt. Harmon, was another holy place for us, and the Golan Heights, were the Rephaim Giants lived, and again, called that their holy area, as did the Watchers, and over here, in England we were the Egg stone giants, among other things. I left out Mystery Hill only because it was my place, no one else’s.
We did more then what you think. Who do you think built the tunnels under Tor? Where the people unto the watchers and us made sacrifices: --and to what gods were they made? Again us. Yes, it was the Watchers we did the work though. Like Atlantis, we build mead around it. It became symbols, that is, separating the physical world from the Spirit one, or spirit one, since the Watchers were all spirit in essence. They really believed they were sanctified, above being special, god like. They forgot who made them. But such angels like Suru’el, Rapha’el, Ragu’el, Micha’el, Sahaga ’el, Gabri’el and Rafael and Ura’el, showed them who was who, and buried them in the sands of time. Chained them to the pits of the abyss. I guess when you pretend long enough, you become a permanent part of the play, and believe it yourself, like them. I new somewhere along the line, the Almighty would get involved. He always does. To enter in this area, the Avalon area that is, even us, we had rules to go by as if it was a Church or Holy of Holies place. I see time has changed most of that.
Well Rosa, I’ve got to go. Even we hybrid spirits get tired. I got to check out some things.”
“Will I see you again,” responded Rosa. “What for?” …Said Rosa with a gesture of Farwell, “Good luck then, on your journey quest, that is,” and the spirit was gone.
The Report [all names to be crossed out]: 1/10/l987 --Mid-Morning
[From the two workmen on the site - Quarry at Carrara, Italy]
“As usual we were working at the site, that is, in the underground quarry area, were the big window whole is. It gives light during the day hours it is so huge, like a monster window. I like working in that area because it is cooler, and the wind seems to…oh, well, anyways, it is above our heads gives us light during the day.
As we were cutting the marble I could see a configuration. It looked like a man. But we had been cutting in this area months, so I though maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me so I just continued to cut, not saying anything at first. Prior to this day, it looked like a dot, or a blemished marble. But as we kept cutting month after month, it became bigger. More pronounced, --like the figure was being cut into, and it had to go back into the marble to remain whole. I know this sounds silly, but it got bigger.
About a week ago, the head, face, chin, all the way down to the upper part of a man’s shoulders appeared. I stood on the piece of marble. It was about 13-feet high. The face had a receding for-head. His hair was standing up, or so it seemed, as if it was frozen instantly as the wind blew it wild. His temple area was broad.
His nose was half covered along with his eyes with darkness--like a blindfold or mask. This darkness went down to his cheek, around the upper part of his chin and covered that area of his hair, which went to the length of his shoulders, and somewhat braided at the end.
His mouth was that of a dead man in a coffin. Lip area was dark; and the upper part where a mustache would go, was like a Neanderthal’s long. He looked clean-shaven though. He was hidden in the marble, as if in pain, suffocating.
I would think the rest of his body would account for ¾’s, making him 40-feet tall or so.
As we cut more, like a dust of sifting wind, a gray mass came out of the marble and
In a long dynamic form, and like a tornado this figure tried to put itself together, kind of like focusing a camera, or a TV trying to get a picture tuned in, and then it was gone; right through the opening above our heads. I was kind of in disbelief, and shock. It took my partner and me a few minutes to get us together.
End of report/to be filed
Epitaph [his last whereabouts was thought to be on 9/1/01; this is what he left for his epitaph discovered in the Golan Heights, in the general region of the rings known as on a stones, on one weighing over 30-tons, and measuring 4.5 meters in height, it was part of a dolmen, in the Circle or Gilgal Refaim]. It read:
“I walk now this earth, hoping not to be judged according to my birth pains. The Angelic Renegades or the Giants of old, their sons; the demon is out of me, and I am not a god, only a half-bread by no sin of my own. If I had my way I would never have been born; it would have been better. But now you know, and so I roam. Put me back into the marble, but not into the Pit of the Abyss. The one thing I know and I tell you, the secret. Man will forget the war he is in, even after my comrades infect you more. Destroy you. Possess you. You will forget the day the enemy crushed you. Made you cry. And say, all is well. That is when they will come again. They told me so. And that is why I must hide again. They will come after me also, tell everyone“
Word Count: 3328
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