Lady with the Third Eye
Lady with the Third Eye:
[The Fox-Fairy-Oni: Demon]
Writings of Dennis L. Siluk
[A dream vision from 1/10/02]
Prologue: think this short story might need a beginning, one that can introduce you to one of the characters you will meet in a moment; in this case, a double demon of sorts, I think. You do know they are as plentiful as household pets throughout the world, but believe me, I wouldn’t think of them in that term. Demons can be human and beast, or human, beast and spirit, the combinations can differ widely. This demon I am about to share my experience with you about, can shape shift, or as some may say shape-change, both meaning the same, two kinds of demonic beings in one: a Fox Fairy and an Oni; and again I add: I think. Their origins are from Japan and China, respectively, and both countries I have visited. No don’t get me wrong, I’m not a demon hunter, nor do I have second sight, that I know of, close to it though—when exercised, but I just want to share a dream vision with you, for the heck of it.
I am not the best artist in town, but I did draw a picture of the being I met, or tried to. The female Fox Fairy has an affinity for scholars, virtuous humans, and loves to seduce them if she can; wanting the essence of the sex, she/or they are cleaver, and invisible, but can materialize, and this one had a third eye, and all of the above.
Now the Oni demon has a flat face, 3rd eye also, large mouth [ear to ear usually] and can walk and fly. They seem to be around when disaster strikes, or so I’ve noticed. And they can manifest as a dark cloud if need be. They seem to have excessive body needs. Shocking them can be a good way to escape them, if you ever get entangled with them,
And now for the story:
she [she being: the Lady with the third-eye] sat in a chair, seemingly comfortable, long red stringy hair, sparse in sections on her head, down to her shoulders, where it seemed somewhat braded, or snarled. Her expressions seemed friendly, calm, if not kind. Her look was as different as a Picasso is to a Rembrandt. Her body didn’t seem to move in the sofa chair— stone still you might say. She was waiting for someone, something. We were both waiting for a name, I think (maybe I wasn‘t), in this basement office, where there was a huge bay window.
Her head was twice the size of a normal head and Her ears larger then normal. She had three-eyes; two eyes were quite low on her face it seemed, more so than the upper third one, above her eye brows, center of her forehead. It left a bone mark on its right side as a perturbing socket. This third eye was 90% white, the upper part dark. She had a long mouth, crossing almost her whole face: as I said before, she looked to have the makings of two different demonic species. Her chin was one large bulge as the front of her face molded into it, as loose skin. Her forehead and hairline was not receding at all. She actually had a small forehead compared to the rest of her head.
Who was she I asked myself. I was waiting in the basement room as I mentioned, for the same person I expect, the same person she was I believe. Business, it was all business for me; perhaps this was a business deal. I sat to the left of her a few feet away though. How did I get there, I don’t know. The question never came up at the time; it didn’t dawn on me to evaluate it, it was actually somewhat normal to be there so it seemed.
When she talked, she only said a few words, slowly, quite brief, I could then tell she was a female. What species—again I say—I don’t know for sure, I say demon, perhaps alien—but that in it can put her back into the demonic category of many. As I have in the beginning of this story inferred, I have tried to classify her in the demonic catalogue of species, of which I know of, but I could be wrong. I suppose it is like trying to classify a disorder; you need time to get a proper analysis of it, which I did not have. Her chin moved more than her other facial parts.
I asked myself, “Where did she come from?” as I tried not to gawk, I then heard the Doctor [PhD-type], and he was not a medical doctor. He called down the stairway:
“Are you still interested in buying?” he says. I couldn’t quite understand the rest of what he mumbled, but that was clear.
She replied:
“Yes, I’m still…”
I smiled. But why was I here I asked myself again; I say again, because I had asked myself a half dozen times that question as I had sat their somewhat mute. I felt he [the Doctor] was in some kind of dilemma [my so called partial second sight kicking in I think] he wanting to leave town as soon as possible.
I own (this story was three years ago, now it is 8/2005, so I must say: ‘I owned,’ for I do not anymore) a little business, rental property, and occasionally I buy and sell houses (again, this was true). But I didn’t get the idea I was part of this business transaction. And this all seemed at the time, quite real. If not real, set up in my half awaking world for me to devour and play with later, and play it out now, or then.
I didn’t get to see her feet or any thing beyond the drift of her chin onto her breast area, for the most part. Maybe because it startled me a little as I tried to take in the whole picture of what was going on, and things did not go fast, they were calm and slow, and it allowed me to adjust.
Her lips were thin, and she had several deep wrinkles in her forehead when she showed emotion. She turned to me only slightly, and said briefly (I was trying to show I was not startled I think, praying for strength). To repeat myself, I do believe she was there for an investment—perhaps it was the Doctor, her investment. For myself, I was well off at this juncture of my life and dream, which was several months ago [2001]. I have since used up most of my investments. Could this be a connection I asked myself? Again, I was not buying. Or maybe I should be, I asked myself. Whatever I was doing, or suppose to do, I was present, and not running away.
As I looked at her again, she was as calm as the day was long. I told myself, her third eye sees all, or nothing. I also believe she was very old, older than written time. Older than one would believe if told. She was not interested in me per se, snoopy perhaps.
I sensed somewhat she might know me; or knew of me. She didn’t stare at me—as I did her—for she evidently know who I was, but again not how I got to this plateau. But yet, I felt I belonged there, and didn’t do any challenges, but belonged there only as a witness; Sometimes people do challenge such spirits, and it can be a bad scene (which is another story in the l970s, and a lesion learned),
The doctor never did appear again, he was present I think, he was like just not seen; a vision that could not materialize again, or wanted to; his time in the vision-dream was for the most part over. Evidently I had witnessed what I wanted to witness, or was allowed to.
As I sat there, I noticed water, outside the bay window, and I wanted to go to it, but I resisted, and remained stationary for the time being. Something inside me told me, there’d be time for that later—if truly, that is what I wanted (I now know: Birth or Water, Mother and Child, my mother died 7/2003 ((18-months later; she lived with me)); I was present for it all.
As I turned around I heard a noise, and then turned back to the woman. She was gone. And so was he: the doctor, I thought he was gone before, but no, evidently not quite, not completely, he was now though. He was in a hurry it seemed while I was there; gone because I knew somehow of, something, lets call it the character of things. She was simply waiting.
An Eccentric Epitaph: I do believe I know the dynamics of this, now that time has gone by. She was the demon the one following him, the doctor. This doctor, got a divorce, was a teacher, raped his daughter, for the lust of sex; and took off to a far off island in the South Pacific many years ago. I knew him briefly. Disaster had hit him in a number of ways. She was following him.
First of all, the Doctor, He was playing around in the magic area; I was their to witness it only briefly, and my mind kept in focus of my mother, as she was ill during those last days, and I was concerned about her. The water is birth, for she had a rebirth I am sure of. The other soul was being tracked, and I just happened to step in on the tracking: pending doors to the nether world. His house was never sold at the time he took off to the South Pacific and maybe camelback to sell it. I’m not sure of this, but the house had to be sold one way or another as I said, I knew him briefly, no real friend of mine; I’ve known a lot of folks briefly, only to find out, how close they are to the elements of the other world; and in what capacity.
This has happened before; once when my mother wanted to know who was hiding outside her door the night before, she asked me who it was? I then closed my eyes, had a vision, seen the person and told her who it was; she confronted that person, and he admitted it was him.
This particular demon who seems to have two demonic-parts to her make up, is quite known for her sexual prowl, and maybe uses her cleverness when a person becomes vulnerable (and is after this Doctor friend of mine, so called friend: no, not really a friend. I reported him for the rape, and his daughter stuck up for him, so he’d not go to jail; oh well, that was that).
The question remains why was I allowed to see all this? Maybe it is a warning; not sure, but now you are reading it, and perhaps that is all that can be done. We all get warnings, we just don’t see or hear them, or heed them.
I suppose I can say, I was glad I was there for my mother; and glad to see a demon was chasing the man that got away with the rape, for surely the third eyed demon with have her play and laughs from what I’ve seen.
[The Fox-Fairy-Oni: Demon]
Writings of Dennis L. Siluk
[A dream vision from 1/10/02]
Prologue: think this short story might need a beginning, one that can introduce you to one of the characters you will meet in a moment; in this case, a double demon of sorts, I think. You do know they are as plentiful as household pets throughout the world, but believe me, I wouldn’t think of them in that term. Demons can be human and beast, or human, beast and spirit, the combinations can differ widely. This demon I am about to share my experience with you about, can shape shift, or as some may say shape-change, both meaning the same, two kinds of demonic beings in one: a Fox Fairy and an Oni; and again I add: I think. Their origins are from Japan and China, respectively, and both countries I have visited. No don’t get me wrong, I’m not a demon hunter, nor do I have second sight, that I know of, close to it though—when exercised, but I just want to share a dream vision with you, for the heck of it.
I am not the best artist in town, but I did draw a picture of the being I met, or tried to. The female Fox Fairy has an affinity for scholars, virtuous humans, and loves to seduce them if she can; wanting the essence of the sex, she/or they are cleaver, and invisible, but can materialize, and this one had a third eye, and all of the above.
Now the Oni demon has a flat face, 3rd eye also, large mouth [ear to ear usually] and can walk and fly. They seem to be around when disaster strikes, or so I’ve noticed. And they can manifest as a dark cloud if need be. They seem to have excessive body needs. Shocking them can be a good way to escape them, if you ever get entangled with them,
And now for the story:
she [she being: the Lady with the third-eye] sat in a chair, seemingly comfortable, long red stringy hair, sparse in sections on her head, down to her shoulders, where it seemed somewhat braded, or snarled. Her expressions seemed friendly, calm, if not kind. Her look was as different as a Picasso is to a Rembrandt. Her body didn’t seem to move in the sofa chair— stone still you might say. She was waiting for someone, something. We were both waiting for a name, I think (maybe I wasn‘t), in this basement office, where there was a huge bay window.
Her head was twice the size of a normal head and Her ears larger then normal. She had three-eyes; two eyes were quite low on her face it seemed, more so than the upper third one, above her eye brows, center of her forehead. It left a bone mark on its right side as a perturbing socket. This third eye was 90% white, the upper part dark. She had a long mouth, crossing almost her whole face: as I said before, she looked to have the makings of two different demonic species. Her chin was one large bulge as the front of her face molded into it, as loose skin. Her forehead and hairline was not receding at all. She actually had a small forehead compared to the rest of her head.
Who was she I asked myself. I was waiting in the basement room as I mentioned, for the same person I expect, the same person she was I believe. Business, it was all business for me; perhaps this was a business deal. I sat to the left of her a few feet away though. How did I get there, I don’t know. The question never came up at the time; it didn’t dawn on me to evaluate it, it was actually somewhat normal to be there so it seemed.
When she talked, she only said a few words, slowly, quite brief, I could then tell she was a female. What species—again I say—I don’t know for sure, I say demon, perhaps alien—but that in it can put her back into the demonic category of many. As I have in the beginning of this story inferred, I have tried to classify her in the demonic catalogue of species, of which I know of, but I could be wrong. I suppose it is like trying to classify a disorder; you need time to get a proper analysis of it, which I did not have. Her chin moved more than her other facial parts.
I asked myself, “Where did she come from?” as I tried not to gawk, I then heard the Doctor [PhD-type], and he was not a medical doctor. He called down the stairway:
“Are you still interested in buying?” he says. I couldn’t quite understand the rest of what he mumbled, but that was clear.
She replied:
“Yes, I’m still…”
I smiled. But why was I here I asked myself again; I say again, because I had asked myself a half dozen times that question as I had sat their somewhat mute. I felt he [the Doctor] was in some kind of dilemma [my so called partial second sight kicking in I think] he wanting to leave town as soon as possible.
I own (this story was three years ago, now it is 8/2005, so I must say: ‘I owned,’ for I do not anymore) a little business, rental property, and occasionally I buy and sell houses (again, this was true). But I didn’t get the idea I was part of this business transaction. And this all seemed at the time, quite real. If not real, set up in my half awaking world for me to devour and play with later, and play it out now, or then.
I didn’t get to see her feet or any thing beyond the drift of her chin onto her breast area, for the most part. Maybe because it startled me a little as I tried to take in the whole picture of what was going on, and things did not go fast, they were calm and slow, and it allowed me to adjust.
Her lips were thin, and she had several deep wrinkles in her forehead when she showed emotion. She turned to me only slightly, and said briefly (I was trying to show I was not startled I think, praying for strength). To repeat myself, I do believe she was there for an investment—perhaps it was the Doctor, her investment. For myself, I was well off at this juncture of my life and dream, which was several months ago [2001]. I have since used up most of my investments. Could this be a connection I asked myself? Again, I was not buying. Or maybe I should be, I asked myself. Whatever I was doing, or suppose to do, I was present, and not running away.
As I looked at her again, she was as calm as the day was long. I told myself, her third eye sees all, or nothing. I also believe she was very old, older than written time. Older than one would believe if told. She was not interested in me per se, snoopy perhaps.
I sensed somewhat she might know me; or knew of me. She didn’t stare at me—as I did her—for she evidently know who I was, but again not how I got to this plateau. But yet, I felt I belonged there, and didn’t do any challenges, but belonged there only as a witness; Sometimes people do challenge such spirits, and it can be a bad scene (which is another story in the l970s, and a lesion learned),
The doctor never did appear again, he was present I think, he was like just not seen; a vision that could not materialize again, or wanted to; his time in the vision-dream was for the most part over. Evidently I had witnessed what I wanted to witness, or was allowed to.
As I sat there, I noticed water, outside the bay window, and I wanted to go to it, but I resisted, and remained stationary for the time being. Something inside me told me, there’d be time for that later—if truly, that is what I wanted (I now know: Birth or Water, Mother and Child, my mother died 7/2003 ((18-months later; she lived with me)); I was present for it all.
As I turned around I heard a noise, and then turned back to the woman. She was gone. And so was he: the doctor, I thought he was gone before, but no, evidently not quite, not completely, he was now though. He was in a hurry it seemed while I was there; gone because I knew somehow of, something, lets call it the character of things. She was simply waiting.
An Eccentric Epitaph: I do believe I know the dynamics of this, now that time has gone by. She was the demon the one following him, the doctor. This doctor, got a divorce, was a teacher, raped his daughter, for the lust of sex; and took off to a far off island in the South Pacific many years ago. I knew him briefly. Disaster had hit him in a number of ways. She was following him.
First of all, the Doctor, He was playing around in the magic area; I was their to witness it only briefly, and my mind kept in focus of my mother, as she was ill during those last days, and I was concerned about her. The water is birth, for she had a rebirth I am sure of. The other soul was being tracked, and I just happened to step in on the tracking: pending doors to the nether world. His house was never sold at the time he took off to the South Pacific and maybe camelback to sell it. I’m not sure of this, but the house had to be sold one way or another as I said, I knew him briefly, no real friend of mine; I’ve known a lot of folks briefly, only to find out, how close they are to the elements of the other world; and in what capacity.
This has happened before; once when my mother wanted to know who was hiding outside her door the night before, she asked me who it was? I then closed my eyes, had a vision, seen the person and told her who it was; she confronted that person, and he admitted it was him.
This particular demon who seems to have two demonic-parts to her make up, is quite known for her sexual prowl, and maybe uses her cleverness when a person becomes vulnerable (and is after this Doctor friend of mine, so called friend: no, not really a friend. I reported him for the rape, and his daughter stuck up for him, so he’d not go to jail; oh well, that was that).
The question remains why was I allowed to see all this? Maybe it is a warning; not sure, but now you are reading it, and perhaps that is all that can be done. We all get warnings, we just don’t see or hear them, or heed them.
I suppose I can say, I was glad I was there for my mother; and glad to see a demon was chasing the man that got away with the rape, for surely the third eyed demon with have her play and laughs from what I’ve seen.
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