Death Along the Shenandoah
Death Along the Shenandoah
[A Deadly Plot along world Obelisks]
[February 23, 2006—conspiracy:
‘Operation: Obelisk-Tree’]
We had worked two years on this operation [action] and it was named: ‘Operation, Obelisk-Tree’ (and someone else had a name for it also called, ‘Operation Shenandoah, so pick your own.) My name is Tapi Penrosa, I work for the Saudi Government, via, South America, I’m a kind of spy or operational information gather—of sorts, and a number of years ago I had lived within, or by I should say, the Shenandoah Valley, where after leaving St. Louis, I was assigned to the Washington D.C. area, and the Valley called the Shenandoah, which leads up and into the Washington area. I say we because there was four of us, and to be upfront, I have no reason to lie now, or withhold any information. We traveled throughout the United States for a number of years before we made our reports to the Saudi Government of what sites would be the best to penetrate, or that could be penetrated. But I will explain everything the best I can in a moment, but I need to give you just a little more background.
After all this traveling, and reporting and now working for the United States Government, I was given this mission after studying America and the world’s geography, learning English as a second language, Spanish is my preference, I specifically wanted this mission; it suited me just find. Worldwide the Muslim’s have built orphanages to over shadow the rapid growth of building some 1500 mosques, along with providing six-billion dollars from their oil resources to other operations throughout the world to counter the United States and Jewish interests, most of the money to terrorism I suppose one could say, one way or another, this of course is annually, and increases each year. But my operation was known, it acronym that is, which again, stands for Operation Obelisk-Tree, was simply one for a big operations, perhaps bigger than 911, yet this was more centered on destruction in a different manner, let me give more details so you can understand somewhat where I am leading to you.
Said the United States medical interrogator, Captain Sharp:
“Should you lie and not tell us the truth of the operation, and your employer, you and your family will be given a death sentence; should you tell us the truth and the enemy’s perspective on this, you will be set free, and provided for…”
(Ms Tapi, did not show any fear, resentment for being caught, or for that matter, concerned about her family, and the Captain noticed that, consequently feeling, a bit helpless, and relying on her last words to let him know what he was asking for.)
“As I was saying [said Ms Tapi] we had our operation underway two years prior to actually doing the final steps, but the onset of the operation was several years in the making, as you call it, ‘dirty deeds,’ or trying to set up and manage the operation without giving away any vital information. Our means of communication came from around the world. We had provided a cell group in a number of countries to transmit information to the cell group in Washington D.C. of which as you now know I was part of. The cell groups consisted of approximately four to sex persons, as most do, as ours did with only four. Each group centered themselves within two miles of an obelisk, one being in Rome, Paris, Istanbul, New York City, Central Park, two in Egypt, and one in London Town, along the Tames River. And I should mention in Argentina and Ethiopia, each had a communications center nearby their obelisks, and here, right here in Washington D.C. was my group or as you call them cells. In the points of these objects, inside of them were transmitters that were connected to a code system; which would only transmit if this code were activated.
“Again as you know, I worked for the White House, Security Team, and often was close by the President, as did Mr. Plath, whom tried to warn you, and so it was. On February 22, I came to the party at the White House, and had a little teddy-bear to give to the President as a gift; Mr. Plath knew something was wrong, he has what you people call ESP, or visions, or second-sight, and can see danger when or before it happens (she was a double agent of sorts). Well, he was there, I had seen him before, a CIA agent to my understanding, and he knew I was—for some reasons—up to something. I gave the gift wrapped up in brown paper to the President—and at this point, it really didn’t’ matter whom was President to the Saudi Government, or to us the cell group, and he took the Teddy Bear with a smile, the President that is smiled at me, and I kindly took the paper from his hands, smiled back at him, and put it in my sport coat. Then the party continued and I walked away, and Mr. Plath grabbed me by my shoulders, dragged me back to the room the President was in, but no one would listen to him, everyone was drinking and talking, and the Teddy Bear was left on the table. He tried for the better of fifteen minutes to get their attention, I simply looked dumb, shocked and had tears coming out of my eyes from the pain he was having me endure, his fingers deep into my shoulders blades, he was aggressively digging into them, but I said nothing and took the pain, I am used to pain you see, and so I gave it a show. The Secretary of State, the Chiefs of Staff, some Senators and others were they’re celebrating the Presidents birthday: all was merriment.
Well, after he had taken me back out of the room, waiting for the President, they had all gotten onto an elevator, going down stairs, again Mr. Plath was standing by the elevators to try and explain why he was holding me. He didn’t know I had on the paper what I wanted, the residue of the president’s fingers: which was not to say, what the President had absorbed into his skin. And as he rushed to the elevator, some twenty feet away, I managed to escape, and went back to my apartment in Georgetown, that was the cells location, you know; I did not return to my actual apartment. The bear and the paper were both coated with a highly, and deadly chemical which would produce a deadly illness, a substance that grows wild outside of Baghdad. This was only half of the operation, and it went quite well, despite Mr. Path’s tries to stop it.
And so this was communicated around the world to our few main cells that were in on this operation, our Saudi cells that is. And then each cell dispatched one person that had American citizenship to one of the main areas or natural places [nature places] throughout America, one in Minnesota, of what is called the Boundary Waters, another in a place called Mir Woods in California, by San Francisco, I can’t quite remember the full name of the location, I would not be part of that, and the Sequoias in California, another one in Yellow Stone Park in Montana, as well as a few others; if I remember right, Vermont was also a site, and the Hawaiian Islands, my cell members had the Shenandoah Valley, of which I do regret had to be, and as I was saying a few other locations. I think there was seven to nine locations in all, the reason it was up to nine was incase we had to go to plan B, if plan A didn’t work out right. In addition to all this, you should know before I get into the other details, under your feet, throughout the United States, and I do not know were, there are several nuclear, old Soviet suitcases; each one to produce a big enough bang to take down half the city. You’ve all ready known for a decade they were missing; now you should know they are planted under your feet, and at a specific time used. This information is free, and it was not part of our operation, it was part of another’s. You see, you have very few friends in the world, some you cannot buy.
“Anyhow, this morning as you know the forests fires of California are still blazing, that was from the group in Istanbul, and you have yet to discover the 10,000-gallen spill of poison on Lake Superior; it is happening right now, right this very minute, as a ship nears Duluth Minnesota harbor; and the contamination that is taking place in the Bounty Waters, this very morning, that again you have yet to discovered. And the only reason you have discovered me is because of the President’s illness, and Mr. Path’s persistence in lecturing you on his dream world, his second-sight vision. But it doesn’t matter; you see I also have touched the same things the president has. And have not been able to get to my antidote, which I thought might be the case. The poison now is mostly absorbed by both of us, absorbed to a point, from the items that we had touched has absorbed into our skin and nervous system to a point they have become so fragmented there is no hope of stopping their migration to other parts of the body; and the items now have of course dried to a non-lethal category on the items, but for me and the president again I say, it is too late. Neither one of us, have time to counter it. So I will be dead like the President within a matter of hours, but it is, is it not, idealism we live by; so if you are looking for a motive, do not look for your rights and wrongs, we live by our own models, our own prescribed: rights and wrongs. What is right for you may not be right for me: Americans think the world should think they way they do, the same for Christians: but we don’t. Pumping his stomach, or injecting him with this or that, will do no good. So what can you do, or will you do is really not a matter of any concern for me, plus the mission, has been accomplished, although it didn’t go as well as planned, it was accomplished to a point of 90% of our goals. In any mission, that is more than good enough.
“I do not see the fires on the news in Vermont yet, so I assume something happened, went wrong, or the contamination of the glaciers in Juneau Alaska, which I forgot to mention, but just remembered. Yet, no operation is perfect. We have caused you immense damage, what our objective was.”
Asked the Captain with a somber voice, as Mr. Plath sat in the same room across from the table they were at:
“But why?” Dumfound, and looking at her as a hurt goat. Why, why
Said Ms Tapi [with an aggressive sneer] “You Americans keep looking for logical answers, reasons, something with a logical tail attached to it, a relationship that makes sense to you. It answer is the illogical one for you. When you have exhausted all your cleaver psychological reasoning, go backwards to the illogical. It is just like a man who says I know her, the way she thinks. You see, men think they know women, but we no more know them, than they know us. Half of what women do, men will never understand, even if we shove it down their throats, we, we, we do not think alike. Thus, get that in your heads. And my organization does not think like Americans or Christians, or Jews. And you think because you buy our oil we are your friends. We can be half friends, because you protect us, the Royal Family, but friends, real friends, I don’t think so. Did you not forget who was on the side of Hitler, the Nazi’s, in WWII, until Stalingrad fell? Anyways, the whole Arab world was on Hitler’s side. We simply joined you until the time was right. Don’t look so hurt, we did just like the Italians do, but we were just more clandestine. We have always wanted Jerusalem, and hated the Jews and you Americans for success, and for protecting Israel, and for your damn Christian ideals. But basically it’s called perspective, it’s just a matter of perspective, something you cannot weigh, or measure, it just is, and it is part of us.”
Captain Sharp just looked at her oddly, stressfully, looked stressfully at this young lady who showed little concern, indifference to the world at large, watching at the end of the table the news; he was stunned at her calmness, then her head fell to the table, she was dead, the TV shifted to Vermont, there was now a forest fire. The destruction could not be counted in dollars anymore: possibly in resources, and fortunately the commodity that was left was a hundred men to take over the presidency; but in the mean time there would be commotion, exactly what the enemy wanted. They had done in one day, what took the PLO forty-years to do to Israel; or took Israel fifteen years to do to the Palestine’s. The captain was not looking at this as a war, as was Ms Tapi, but rather as an insult.
As the United Nations told Israel to look at their actions, and Israel told the United Nations for them to look at their neighbors actions, the Middle East, with Russia and China, North Korea and Iran, all of them plus more, were planning in one way or another, helping if not planning, the demise of America: even the Saudi’s. Oil money mixed with idealism and youths willing to commit suicide, and atomic explosives for sale, all put on top of the other made for a good scenario, and Ms Tapi was the loyal one. Did it bring down the United States, we shall see.
Note: Unpublished; originally written out 2/23/04; rewritten 9/2005
[A Deadly Plot along world Obelisks]
[February 23, 2006—conspiracy:
‘Operation: Obelisk-Tree’]
We had worked two years on this operation [action] and it was named: ‘Operation, Obelisk-Tree’ (and someone else had a name for it also called, ‘Operation Shenandoah, so pick your own.) My name is Tapi Penrosa, I work for the Saudi Government, via, South America, I’m a kind of spy or operational information gather—of sorts, and a number of years ago I had lived within, or by I should say, the Shenandoah Valley, where after leaving St. Louis, I was assigned to the Washington D.C. area, and the Valley called the Shenandoah, which leads up and into the Washington area. I say we because there was four of us, and to be upfront, I have no reason to lie now, or withhold any information. We traveled throughout the United States for a number of years before we made our reports to the Saudi Government of what sites would be the best to penetrate, or that could be penetrated. But I will explain everything the best I can in a moment, but I need to give you just a little more background.
After all this traveling, and reporting and now working for the United States Government, I was given this mission after studying America and the world’s geography, learning English as a second language, Spanish is my preference, I specifically wanted this mission; it suited me just find. Worldwide the Muslim’s have built orphanages to over shadow the rapid growth of building some 1500 mosques, along with providing six-billion dollars from their oil resources to other operations throughout the world to counter the United States and Jewish interests, most of the money to terrorism I suppose one could say, one way or another, this of course is annually, and increases each year. But my operation was known, it acronym that is, which again, stands for Operation Obelisk-Tree, was simply one for a big operations, perhaps bigger than 911, yet this was more centered on destruction in a different manner, let me give more details so you can understand somewhat where I am leading to you.
Said the United States medical interrogator, Captain Sharp:
“Should you lie and not tell us the truth of the operation, and your employer, you and your family will be given a death sentence; should you tell us the truth and the enemy’s perspective on this, you will be set free, and provided for…”
(Ms Tapi, did not show any fear, resentment for being caught, or for that matter, concerned about her family, and the Captain noticed that, consequently feeling, a bit helpless, and relying on her last words to let him know what he was asking for.)
“As I was saying [said Ms Tapi] we had our operation underway two years prior to actually doing the final steps, but the onset of the operation was several years in the making, as you call it, ‘dirty deeds,’ or trying to set up and manage the operation without giving away any vital information. Our means of communication came from around the world. We had provided a cell group in a number of countries to transmit information to the cell group in Washington D.C. of which as you now know I was part of. The cell groups consisted of approximately four to sex persons, as most do, as ours did with only four. Each group centered themselves within two miles of an obelisk, one being in Rome, Paris, Istanbul, New York City, Central Park, two in Egypt, and one in London Town, along the Tames River. And I should mention in Argentina and Ethiopia, each had a communications center nearby their obelisks, and here, right here in Washington D.C. was my group or as you call them cells. In the points of these objects, inside of them were transmitters that were connected to a code system; which would only transmit if this code were activated.
“Again as you know, I worked for the White House, Security Team, and often was close by the President, as did Mr. Plath, whom tried to warn you, and so it was. On February 22, I came to the party at the White House, and had a little teddy-bear to give to the President as a gift; Mr. Plath knew something was wrong, he has what you people call ESP, or visions, or second-sight, and can see danger when or before it happens (she was a double agent of sorts). Well, he was there, I had seen him before, a CIA agent to my understanding, and he knew I was—for some reasons—up to something. I gave the gift wrapped up in brown paper to the President—and at this point, it really didn’t’ matter whom was President to the Saudi Government, or to us the cell group, and he took the Teddy Bear with a smile, the President that is smiled at me, and I kindly took the paper from his hands, smiled back at him, and put it in my sport coat. Then the party continued and I walked away, and Mr. Plath grabbed me by my shoulders, dragged me back to the room the President was in, but no one would listen to him, everyone was drinking and talking, and the Teddy Bear was left on the table. He tried for the better of fifteen minutes to get their attention, I simply looked dumb, shocked and had tears coming out of my eyes from the pain he was having me endure, his fingers deep into my shoulders blades, he was aggressively digging into them, but I said nothing and took the pain, I am used to pain you see, and so I gave it a show. The Secretary of State, the Chiefs of Staff, some Senators and others were they’re celebrating the Presidents birthday: all was merriment.
Well, after he had taken me back out of the room, waiting for the President, they had all gotten onto an elevator, going down stairs, again Mr. Plath was standing by the elevators to try and explain why he was holding me. He didn’t know I had on the paper what I wanted, the residue of the president’s fingers: which was not to say, what the President had absorbed into his skin. And as he rushed to the elevator, some twenty feet away, I managed to escape, and went back to my apartment in Georgetown, that was the cells location, you know; I did not return to my actual apartment. The bear and the paper were both coated with a highly, and deadly chemical which would produce a deadly illness, a substance that grows wild outside of Baghdad. This was only half of the operation, and it went quite well, despite Mr. Path’s tries to stop it.
And so this was communicated around the world to our few main cells that were in on this operation, our Saudi cells that is. And then each cell dispatched one person that had American citizenship to one of the main areas or natural places [nature places] throughout America, one in Minnesota, of what is called the Boundary Waters, another in a place called Mir Woods in California, by San Francisco, I can’t quite remember the full name of the location, I would not be part of that, and the Sequoias in California, another one in Yellow Stone Park in Montana, as well as a few others; if I remember right, Vermont was also a site, and the Hawaiian Islands, my cell members had the Shenandoah Valley, of which I do regret had to be, and as I was saying a few other locations. I think there was seven to nine locations in all, the reason it was up to nine was incase we had to go to plan B, if plan A didn’t work out right. In addition to all this, you should know before I get into the other details, under your feet, throughout the United States, and I do not know were, there are several nuclear, old Soviet suitcases; each one to produce a big enough bang to take down half the city. You’ve all ready known for a decade they were missing; now you should know they are planted under your feet, and at a specific time used. This information is free, and it was not part of our operation, it was part of another’s. You see, you have very few friends in the world, some you cannot buy.
“Anyhow, this morning as you know the forests fires of California are still blazing, that was from the group in Istanbul, and you have yet to discover the 10,000-gallen spill of poison on Lake Superior; it is happening right now, right this very minute, as a ship nears Duluth Minnesota harbor; and the contamination that is taking place in the Bounty Waters, this very morning, that again you have yet to discovered. And the only reason you have discovered me is because of the President’s illness, and Mr. Path’s persistence in lecturing you on his dream world, his second-sight vision. But it doesn’t matter; you see I also have touched the same things the president has. And have not been able to get to my antidote, which I thought might be the case. The poison now is mostly absorbed by both of us, absorbed to a point, from the items that we had touched has absorbed into our skin and nervous system to a point they have become so fragmented there is no hope of stopping their migration to other parts of the body; and the items now have of course dried to a non-lethal category on the items, but for me and the president again I say, it is too late. Neither one of us, have time to counter it. So I will be dead like the President within a matter of hours, but it is, is it not, idealism we live by; so if you are looking for a motive, do not look for your rights and wrongs, we live by our own models, our own prescribed: rights and wrongs. What is right for you may not be right for me: Americans think the world should think they way they do, the same for Christians: but we don’t. Pumping his stomach, or injecting him with this or that, will do no good. So what can you do, or will you do is really not a matter of any concern for me, plus the mission, has been accomplished, although it didn’t go as well as planned, it was accomplished to a point of 90% of our goals. In any mission, that is more than good enough.
“I do not see the fires on the news in Vermont yet, so I assume something happened, went wrong, or the contamination of the glaciers in Juneau Alaska, which I forgot to mention, but just remembered. Yet, no operation is perfect. We have caused you immense damage, what our objective was.”
Asked the Captain with a somber voice, as Mr. Plath sat in the same room across from the table they were at:
“But why?” Dumfound, and looking at her as a hurt goat. Why, why
Said Ms Tapi [with an aggressive sneer] “You Americans keep looking for logical answers, reasons, something with a logical tail attached to it, a relationship that makes sense to you. It answer is the illogical one for you. When you have exhausted all your cleaver psychological reasoning, go backwards to the illogical. It is just like a man who says I know her, the way she thinks. You see, men think they know women, but we no more know them, than they know us. Half of what women do, men will never understand, even if we shove it down their throats, we, we, we do not think alike. Thus, get that in your heads. And my organization does not think like Americans or Christians, or Jews. And you think because you buy our oil we are your friends. We can be half friends, because you protect us, the Royal Family, but friends, real friends, I don’t think so. Did you not forget who was on the side of Hitler, the Nazi’s, in WWII, until Stalingrad fell? Anyways, the whole Arab world was on Hitler’s side. We simply joined you until the time was right. Don’t look so hurt, we did just like the Italians do, but we were just more clandestine. We have always wanted Jerusalem, and hated the Jews and you Americans for success, and for protecting Israel, and for your damn Christian ideals. But basically it’s called perspective, it’s just a matter of perspective, something you cannot weigh, or measure, it just is, and it is part of us.”
Captain Sharp just looked at her oddly, stressfully, looked stressfully at this young lady who showed little concern, indifference to the world at large, watching at the end of the table the news; he was stunned at her calmness, then her head fell to the table, she was dead, the TV shifted to Vermont, there was now a forest fire. The destruction could not be counted in dollars anymore: possibly in resources, and fortunately the commodity that was left was a hundred men to take over the presidency; but in the mean time there would be commotion, exactly what the enemy wanted. They had done in one day, what took the PLO forty-years to do to Israel; or took Israel fifteen years to do to the Palestine’s. The captain was not looking at this as a war, as was Ms Tapi, but rather as an insult.
As the United Nations told Israel to look at their actions, and Israel told the United Nations for them to look at their neighbors actions, the Middle East, with Russia and China, North Korea and Iran, all of them plus more, were planning in one way or another, helping if not planning, the demise of America: even the Saudi’s. Oil money mixed with idealism and youths willing to commit suicide, and atomic explosives for sale, all put on top of the other made for a good scenario, and Ms Tapi was the loyal one. Did it bring down the United States, we shall see.
Note: Unpublished; originally written out 2/23/04; rewritten 9/2005
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